Friday, February 11, 2011

Who...What...Where Daughtry

Check out the rest of the story HERE

Dave: Why are you no longer drumming in Daughtry?JOEY: Basically, I was let go. But I've seen that day coming for quite some time. I want to stress that I'm not the kind of guy who would quit in the middle of a tour. It wasn't an "I quit" situation. Even if it was, it's not my style to quit mid-tour. In my head, it wasn't a smart business decision. They should have let it play out. Once the tour was done, they could have made an announcement and given people time to get used to it. Instead, axing me mid-tour lets people think I bailed. I'm bombarded with crazy e-mails from fans that range from "you've ruined my idea of what a band should be" to "the reason I'm no longer drumming with Daughtry is because I'm more

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